Sunday, January 7, 2018

James Perry McClelland

James Perry McClelland was Anna Mae's uncle, brother to her father. According to the family bible, he was born 25 November 1848. Sadly, he died young of an unspecified illness.

Centralia Democrat, 13 May 1869 page 3 column B
DIED.–On Sunday May 10th, at his residence near Central City, James P. McClelland, aged 20 years.
James P. McClelland belonged to one of the oldest and most highly respected families in Marion county, being the son of Mr. Alexander McClelland, and grand-son of Judge Issac Clelland. He was an estimable young man of a high degree of intelligence and gave promise of a useful and brilliant future. He was the pride of the family circle, and his many excellent qualities had endeared him to numerous friends who will mourn him with a feeling of warmest devotion, and cherish his memory with the purest affection. Truly, Death loves a shining mark! In his twentieth year–in the bloom and vigor of exultant manhood–with a mind just opening to receive the realities of life, and ambitious to obtain such wisdom as the world can give–at such a time he was prostated by the disease which terminated in death.
Leaves have their time to fall,
Flowers to wither at the north wind’s breath;
And stars to set.
    But all–
Thou hast all seasons for thine own,
    O Death!

Impressive services were held at the residence of the parents of the deceased on Monday, Rev. Mr. Snow of Walnut Hill, officiating. We tender to the bereaved parents and relatives our sympathy and condolence in their hour of affliction. May He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, holds us all in the hollow of His hand, and doeth all things well, soften the sorrows and relieve the pangs of the grief-stricken hearts.

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Oliver Jasper McClelland

Oliver Jasper McClelland Oliver Jasper McClelland was born 28 October 1858. Only six years younger than Anna Mae's father, John All...