Thursday, January 4, 2018

Franz Felton and His Son Clarence Felton

Franz Felton was the 9th child born to Sophia Johnson and Ebenezer Felton on 6 February 1861 in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin, according to the Felton family Bible.

On 17 September 1892 Franz married Artie Newhall, daughter of John and Mary Newhall, farmers in Clinton County. Their son Clarence was born 21 February 1894.

Tragically Franz died 29 March 1895 age 34 in Centralia.

Centralia Daily Sentinel, 30 March 1895 page 2 column B 
DIED:–At his home, No. 810 Third North Street, at 12:05 p.m. today, Franz Felton, aged 34 years, 1 month and 20 days. The funeral will be held from the residence at 2 p.m. Sunday under the auxpices of the I.O.O. F., of which he was a member.

Centralia Daily Sentinel, 3 April 1895 page 3 column B 
At a meeting of Metropolitan Lodge, No. 108, I.O.O.F., held Tuesday, April 2, 1894, the following resolutions were adopted on the death of Brother Franz Felton, of Noble Lodge. No. 340, of Harrington, Kansas:
Whereas. It has pleased the Great Author of our being to remove from our midst our late and beloved brother, Franz Felton, and in view of the loss we have thus sustained, and of the still heavier loss which must be borne by those nearer and dearer to him; be it
RESOLVED, That we sincerely condole with the family of the deceased on the dispensation with which it has pleased Divine Providence to afflictt them and commend them for consolation to Him who orders all things for the best.
RESOLVED, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of the lodge and a copy be transmitted to the family of the deceased brother, a copy be furnished to each of our daily papers for publication and a copy forwarded to his lodge.
S. Andrews
George Besant
C.P. Callender,

Centralia Sentinel, Thursday, 4 April 1895 page 3 column E
The funeral of Franz Felton was held Sunday afternoon under the auspices of the Odd Fellows. A number of the fraternity were here from Sandoval and other points.

Clarence Felton

After Franz died Artie and Clarence lived with the Newhalls in Clinton County until John Newhall died. By 1910 they were living in Sonoma County, California, where Artie’s brother William lived.

The clerk who made the entries in the Clinton County, Illinois marriage book filled in the blanks meticulously for every record on page 76 EXCEPT Margaret Felton’s marriage to John Allen McClelland in 1884. Missing is everything one most wants to see: bride’s and groom’s residence and birthplace, their parents names and birthplaces, no. of bride’s marriage and the witnesses names. It just says Franz Felton provided an affidavit.

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